Offer Your Clients a Win in 2023
5 Minutes
Team Curative
Jan 11, 2023
It's no surprise to say that traditional health plans are missing the mark for both employers and employees who have seemingly no other options. We've compiled a list of some of the main problems we see with the traditional health plan model — and we've created a better option. See more about how Curative’s first-of-its-kind health plan solves them here.

1. Few employees actually benefit from current health care plans
Regardless of how many employees are enrolled in a plan, we typically see that 90% of employers’ health care expenditures end up benefiting less than 10% of all employees. This is because current health plans are designed only to be a safety net for the very sick rather than a true benefit for all employees to take advantage of in their wellness journey.
At Curative, we seek to benefit all employees by engaging them early in their health care journey with our Baseline Visit. To get the most out of their membership, every member is encouraged to participate in a Baseline Visit that can be used to tailor an individualized, preventive care plan and identify areas of opportunity and potential problems early on. Click here to watch more about our Baseline Visit.

2. Health care prices are out-of-control
Health benefits costs are increasing four times faster than the overall gross domestic product (GDP), outpacing inflation. That math won’t add up for long. Premiums are soaring and the average deductible has increased by 68% over the past 10 years. Furthermore, members continue to be nickel and dimed at every turn even after they hit their deductible. The financial barrier to being healthy keeps getting higher. In Texas, the combined cost of employee premium contributions and deductibles was $9,311, or 14.2% of the state’s median income.
With Curative’s health plan, employees are offered one competitive monthly premium and $0 copays and $0 deductibles* for in-network services and prescriptions. By reducing the fear around unexpected costs and eliminating high deductibles, employees under Curative’s plan are encouraged to receive the care they need to live whole, happy lives.
*Curative health plan members must complete a Baseline Visit within 120 days of plan effective date to continue to qualify for $0 copays and $0 deductibles.

3. Low perceived value and employee satisfaction with current health plans
Health insurance companies consistently rank at the bottom of consumer satisfaction. It’s no wonder, with the price barriers previously mentioned and difficult-to-navigate, non-intuitive plans. Steep deductibles make employees feel like they don’t have benefits at all.
Curative wants to change this narrative because health benefits matter. They are critical to an individual’s physical, mental and financial health, and they’re a critical tool for employers in attracting and retaining talented employees who are scrutinizing benefits as they make career choices.
For employees, benefits make up more than 30% of the typical job's compensation, and health insurance is worth anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000. Choosing a plan with a high deductible and out-of-pocket costs cuts into what hard-working employees take home, reducing their overall satisfaction with their benefits and their overall health and wellbeing.
You can improve your employee satisfaction and help your employees stay healthy, happy, and financially secure by reducing their out-of-pocket cost of health insurance to virtually zero with Curative.
We’re long overdue to solve these problems. With Curative, we prioritize the member and their health, leading to significant cost savings for both them and their employer. Curative eliminates cost barriers, providing 100% coverage on most common health care services with no deductible to meet before benefits kick in, giving individuals and their families better access to the services that will keep them healthy.
Allowing access to and coverage for preventive care early and often creates a healthier and more engaged employee. These individuals are more in tune with their health, and as a result, less prone to needing a visit to the emergency room or experiencing major medical issues. The model is working, and member satisfaction is soaring.
At Curative, we understand individuals want access to quality care and a useful benefits solution – not just an expensive safety net for when disaster strikes. With health care costs growing at an unsustainable rate, individuals need health plans that truly help them access cost-effective care that focuses on holistic wellness, and employers need those same plans to reduce the number of catastrophic claims.
It’s a win-win position – offering a health plan that improves people’s wellbeing and reduces costs along the way. Our goal? A health plan members love. A health plan with transparent pricing so you can focus on member care, not costs.
Book a meeting with your local Curative sales manager to learn how.
Table of Contents
1. Few employees actually benefit from current health care plans
2. Health care prices are out-of-control
3. Low perceived value and employee satisfaction with current health plans