Mass to Mobile COVID-19 Testing Sites: Curative’s Customized Approach to Serving Sacramento County
2 Minutes
Team Curative
Dec 28, 2021
History and Milestones
In April 2021, Curative began coordinating COVID-19 vaccinations through its affiliates at Cal Expo in Sacramento, California. This mass vaccination site quickly helped us build rapport within Sacramento County and among the greater Sacramento community at large. As the demand for mass COVID-19 vaccinations dwindled across the country, Curative quickly transitioned this site to a mass COVID-19 testing site. What started out as an average of 60 tests per day quickly grew to 400 tests per day. This pivot not only provided us the ability to keep this mass COVID-19 services site open but helped expand by allowing us to open smaller testing sites and kiosks throughout Sacramento County.
Having a mass COVID-19 test site at Cal Expo was an ideal solution for patients and their families due to its central location, made possible by Curative’s ability to receive a high volume of samples. The site has great visibility and a significant portion of the Sacramento County population relies on its services. However, since Sacramento is such a large county, Curative saw the need for expansion to mobile testing sites including vans, and kiosks to far-reaching areas of the community.
We began our expansion by launching two COVID-19 testing kiosks along with four COVID-19 testing vans stationed at four different community centers. Two of the vans were located in northern Sacramento County at Arcade Community Center and Robertson Community Center, and the other two were located in south Sacramento County at Albiani Recreation Center in Elk Grove and at Galt Parks and Recreation Community Center.
After speaking with Sacramento County about our expansion, we learned that several locations in the County had other testing programs that only occurred once a week. Because the County was seeing large testing numbers, Curative decided to supplement their efforts by offering testing on the other 6 days of the week. Upon reaching out to additional community partners, Curative was able to add two additional testing vans at LGBTQ centers in central Sacramento.
Present Day
Since these early days, we have seen rapid growth, and are now offering COVID-19 testing sites that blanket almost all of Sacramento county. Since the discovery of the Delta variant, Curative has been receiving approximately 200-400 samples daily in Sacramento County, with additional capacity to support any increased demand for testing. We attribute our success to a combination of County outreach and strong relationships with community leaders. We will continue to foster these relationships and position ourselves to support the County and take on any new variants that may arise through our next-generation sequencing.
**Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is for Research Use Only (RUO).
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History and Milestones
Present Day