Austin FC Business Spotlight Presented by Curative Awarded to Wheatsville Food Co-Op
2 Minutes
Team Curative
Oct 16, 2023
The October Austin FC Business Spotlight Presented by Curative to Wheatsville Food Co-Op. Wheatsville Co-Op is a full-service, natural foods cooperative grocery store serving the central Austin community since 1976. Wheatsville Co-Op aims to create a self-reliant, self-empowering community that will grow and promote a transformation of society toward cooperation, justice, and non-exploitation.

Featured: Bill Blickford, Kaleb Morton, Sarah Sweeney, Thomas Watson of Wheatsville Co-Op
As the presenting partner of the “Business Spotlight,” Curative advocates for two companies each regular MLS season that are game-changers in their field and focusing on furthering the Austin community to spotlight at an Austin FC match. The selected businesses gain access to matchday tickets, a VIP experience, and scoreboard recognition at halftime, presented by Curative. In July, Curative spotlighted Austin Achieve Public Schools, a tuition-free, open-enrollment public charter school preparing Austin youth to attend and excel at top universities.
Want to spotlight your business? We're constantly looking for companies and organizations that inspire community impact. We invite you to nominate your business for a spotlight feature here.
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