几乎涵盖所有健康状况的首选药物均可享受 0 美元自付费用。使用药物搜索工具查看 2025 年的覆盖范围或下载 2024 年或 2025 年的药物清单(处方集)。非首选处方药可能需要支付 50 美元/250 美元的自付费用。
Unlike most health plans, Curative is transparent and forthright about the drugs we cover. We always seek the most effective and lowest cost options vs. chasing rebates from drug companies. As a result:
For biologic immunomodulators, Curative follows a biosimilar-centered policy. We prioritize the use of biosimilars, ensuring members receive effective treatments at a lower cost than high-cost brand-name drugs like Humira. Our preferred biosimilar agents are adalimumab-adbm and adalimumab-fkjp.
Paxlovid is not a covered drug unless a member is at high risk and not vaccinated. Studies have proven that Paxlovid is ineffective in groups that are vaccinated or at low risk. (JAMA, September 2024 and NEJM, April 2024)
Curative 为所有计划提供多种药房选择,帮助您最大限度地优化福利并节省开支。从提供送货上门服务的独家 Curative 药房,到全美各地耳熟能详的药店,为您提供最全面的保障。
Albertsons Pharmacy 公司→
如果您是 PPO Max 会员,您可以使用更广泛的药房网络。请务必使用我们的提供者搜索工具,并留意 PPO Max 图标。
Enjoy more pharmacy locations you know and trust with PPO Max. Choose PPO Max when searching for your nearest pharmacy to access a wider range of options. Look for the PPO Max icon to see participating pharmacies.
Following the 5/11/2023 conclusion of the COVID-19 public health emergency, Curative will continue to cover COVID-19 tests with a valid prescription.
自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起,持有效处方的会员可以兑换免费的 OneTouch 仪。
立即免费获取仪表药品审查标准来源:Curative 药房优先授权指南由我们的药房和治疗委员会每季度审查一次。P&T 委员会由医师和药剂师组成,负责评估处方集上药物的安全性和有效性,并批准任何建议的 PA 准则。 有关药房预先授权指南的更多信息,请访问此页面。