共有 14,326 名专业提供者
2,492 名初级保健提供者
8,217 个专科医疗服务提供者
35 个急症医院设施
主要医院网络包括:Houston Methodist、Memorial Herman、MD Anderson、St. Lukes、Texas Childrens
Houston is known for energy, research, and aerospace and is home to some of the largest employers in Texas. However, the quality of health insurance Houston businesses receive isn’t as innovative as their work. More than 50% of Houston employees with employer-provided health insurance say they can’t anticipate out-of-pocket expenses — even for services covered by their plan. In the same study, 38% of respondents reported fighting with their insurance company to have their healthcare paid for, and 37% said they have trouble navigating the ins and outs of their healthcare coverage.
Curative can provide the innovative, member-focused health insurance Houston needs to continue powering the world.
探索基于雇主的健康保险的现实情况以及它如何未能兑现为劳动力提供全面保护的承诺。相反,员工只能享受灾难性医疗福利计划,而雇主却无法从这项昂贵的投资中获得价值。 本应吸引和留住人才的福利并没有完全达到其目的。 下载最新的原始调查结果或报名参加即将举行的网络研讨会,了解更多信息。
Curative 的休斯顿健康保险计划既经济实惠又简单易行,通过鼓励预防保健来提高员工的参与度。完成基线访视后,Curative 将为您提供由休斯顿市区主要医院网络中的 13,000 多家医疗服务提供者组成的本地网络,以及一份庞大的全国医疗服务提供者名单,并且不收取任何隐藏费用,网络内服务的免赔额和自付费用均为 0 美元 。会员还可以获享直接从 Curative 药房发出的快速送货服务,以及虚拟紧急护理(与 NormanMD 合作提供)。
每位会员都将与 Care Navigator 配对,后者将帮助会员利用其福利实现健康目标。我们的休斯顿健康保险计划会员还可以直接享有全年全天候的会员支持。
Curative members can now access Swiftstar Emergency Rooms, a Curative company, for all health emergencies and urgent care needs.
Curative 提供全额保险和等级资助的计划选项。单击下方查看哪个计划选项适合您的公司。
适用于希望 Curative 全权负责的雇主。
可用性:总部位于得克萨斯州、佛罗里达州和佐治亚州全境 34 个县的公司。全国员工均可享受健康保险。
公司规模:51 名以上员工
公司规模:25 名以上员工
退款:剩余索赔资金的 50%
Coverage Uncovered:
Your employees’ health affects their personal lives, but it also affects your business. In our 2023 Curative survey of metro-Texans who use employer-provided insurance, most missed work due to health issues:
71% took time off due to health setbacks.
High deductible health plan users notably reported more work disruptions tied to health concerns.
View Curative's original survey results or tune into our upcoming webinar to learn more.
查看调查结果Why not give your employees a choice that puts their wellness first? Get in touch with Curative’s team to find out how you can make a comprehensive Houston health insurance solution work for your company.
共有 14,326 名专业提供者
2,492 名初级保健提供者
8,217 个专科医疗服务提供者
35 个急症医院设施
主要医院网络包括:Houston Methodist、Memorial Herman、MD Anderson、St. Lukes、Texas Childrens
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Get in touch with us to learn more about Curative's transparent, next generation health plan.