Member Portal
FAQ: GameStop
Frequently Asked Questions
for GameStop Employees
Who is Curative?
What’s the difference between the EPO and PPO plans?
Where can we find the full plan document?
Is there a spousal surcharge if I choose to cover my spouse under the Curative plan but they have medical insurance offered to them through their own employer?
I am currently on the GameStop HSA medical plan. Can I continue to use my HSA funds?
Is there any reason to enroll in the FSA if I’m enrolling in the Curative EPO plan?
Curative 为员工提供哪些福利?
How can I find out which doctors are in-network?
Does Curative cover pre-existing conditions?
What if my in-network doctor refers me to an out-of-network lab for bloodwork?
What is the process, timeframe and general success rate there is for out-of-network providers to be brought in-network?
What if I am currently under doctor’s care for a chronic condition and really like my doctor but they are not in the Curative network? How will that be handled?
Will the Care Navigators help transition to in network care?
If I am currently on medications and they are not covered by Curative, how will that be handled?
Which pharmacies are in-network for Curative?
How do I transfer and fill my current my prescriptions?
How do I access my prescriptions at the lowest possible cost?
The Baseline Visit
How soon should I book my Baseline Visit?
How long does a Baseline Visit typically take?
How are Baseline Visits conducted?
Is there bloodwork at the Baseline Visit?
What is a Care Navigator?
What happens to your copay or deductible when just one adult enrolled in the plan completes the Baseline Visit? If all adults enrolled complete the Baseline, do minor dependents also get the $0 copay/deductible?
If there are multiple members of the family that are 18 years or older and one person doesn’t get the Baseline Visit, is everyone else in the family penalized?
Does the Baseline Visit have to be redone at the beginning of every plan year if you have already completed one?
If I complete the Baseline Visit after the first 120 days, will the $0 copay and $0 deductible be reinstated?