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FAQ: Health Insurance 101
Health Insurance
Health Insurance 101
Health Insurance 101
Health Care Terms Explained
What is a premium, and how does it work?
What is a deductible, and how does it work?
What is an allowable amount?
What is coinsurance, and how does it work?
What is a copay, and how does it work?
Will I always have a copay, deductible and/or coinsurance?
What does estimated cost mean?
What does out-of-pocket mean?
What does cost-sharing mean?
What are preferred and non-preferred drugs with Curative?
What is an Explanation of Benefits (EOB), and how do they work?
Is my EOB a bill?
What's the difference between in-network and out-of-network? How can I tell what’s In-Network?
What is the difference between walk-in clinics, urgent care (including virtual), and the emergency room (ER)?
What is considered Medically Necessary?
What is prior authorization?
What types of medical treatments and medications may need prior authorization?
Why does Curative require prior authorization?
How do I get prior authorization?
Is prior authorization required in emergency situations?
What is an Adverse Determination?
What is a medical claim? When, how, and why should I submit one?
What is a Qualifying Life Event?
What health care decisions do I need to make when I get pregnant?
What health care decisions do I need to make for newly adopted children?
Health and Wellness
What is a Baseline Visit with Curative and why does Curative require it for full benefits?
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