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FAQ: Employers
Frequently Asked Questions for
Employers Overview
Where is Curative available? Is my company eligible?
What if I have employees outside of the geographies listed?
Do you cover dependents, including dependents outside the geographies listed?
How can I find out which doctors are in network?
How does Curative handle pre-existing conditions?
Does Curative have a waiting period?
What perks does Curative have for employees?
Can I email enrollment files to the plan?
How are claims handled for employees with more than one health insurance plan?
What should my employees do if a claim is denied?
Employer Portal
How do I access the employer portal?
How do I log in to the employer portal?
As an employer, how do I add or remove members?
How do I edit member information?
What’s the benefit of using this portal?
How will edits through the portal be synthesized with other enrollment documents?
Can I print membership cards on the portal?
How do I request a provider be added to your network?
Are there any limitations of the portal I should note?
Is client data secure on this portal?
What if I’m having technical difficulties?
About Curative
Who is Curative?
What is the health insurance plan offered by Curative?
Why should we offer Curative?
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