Curative 设计了一项注重平价、参与度和简单性的健康计划。当患者能够利用自己的福利来真正实现更好的健康时,就可以享受更牢固的人际关系。已经是 Curative 提供者?探索我们的提供者资源。希望与 Curative 签订合同吗?在下方加入我们的网络。
为我们的会员服务并支持实践所需的工具和信息。无论您是想直接与 Curative 签订合同,还是刚加入 Curative 网络,我们都能提供您所需的资源,帮助您与患者建立更好的关系,帮助他们获得更好的健康。
加入 Curative 网络停止在之后追讨自付额或免赔额。有了有保障的及时支付和简化的系统,您就可以把时间花在治疗患者上,而不必再为繁琐的行政事务所困扰。专注于真正重要的事情——患者的健康。
加入 Curative 网络“ARC has been a provider for the Curative Health Plan since its inception and we’ve witnessed its steady growth. It is unique in that it requires no copays or deductibles, thus patients can follow through on their care plan and physician recommendations with less anxiety regarding financial issues. It’s a true win for everyone when patients can focus on their care instead of their bank account.”
— Norman H. Chenven, MD, Founding CEO of Austin Regional Clinic (ARC)
Curative is now accessing the First Health network. If you’d like to confirm that you’re a First Health provider so that your patients get full coverage for in-network care, please contact First Health Network at 1-800-226-5116. If you’re a provider in Florida, Georgia, or Texas, you can also contract directly with Curative.
Expect regular visits with your patients, enabling more effective care and better outcomes. Work with patients eager to be involved in their healthcare.
加入 Curative 网络
Once this form is submitted, a representative from Provider Relations will follow up within 7-10 business days for next steps. Thank you for your interest in joining the Curative health plan.
医疗程序审查标准来源:根据合理证据使用决策指南对事先授权申请进行审查。Curative 使用 MCG(前身为 Milliman Care Guidelines)执行预先授权,MCG 是国家批准的护理指南实体。
查看以下方面的 Curative 医疗程序政策:
药品审查标准来源:Curative 药房优先授权指南由我们的药房和治疗委员会每季度审查一次。P&T 委员会由医师和药剂师组成,负责评估处方集上药物的安全性和有效性,并批准任何建议的 PA 准则。
索取《预先授权指南》副本的申请可以通过传真至 877-942-4448 或发送电子邮件至 提交。