Curative's Florida health care plan is paving the way for a new era of preventive healthcare in the Sunshine State.

Florida employers can attract and retain top talent by offering a competitive benefits package with health insurance as innovative as their employees.

  • Flexible benefits solutions with $0 out-of-pocket in-network costs with the completion of a Baseline Visit

  • Strong national provider network

Current employer-based health insurance is failing Florida

Floridians deserve something different. Preventive-focused and easy-to-use employer-based health insurance will help employees receive the care they need without concerns over affordability or confusion around costs and benefits.

According to Curative’s 2023 survey of Metro Florida employees:

  • Current plans are too complex to access care

  • Current plans are too unaffordable to manage care

  • High deductibles put members at greater risk

  • Quality of health benefits matters to talent

Better health pays off

Health care benefits impact employee productivity and business success

The evolving and talented workforce in the Sunshine State demands a progressive Florida health care plan. Learn more about how better benefits improve employee attraction, retention, performance, and overall business outcomes.

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    Sustainable cost savings using a human-centered, pragmatic approach.

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    Data-backed health engagement programs chosen with your employees' unique needs in mind so they get the care they need to prevent minor conditions from getting out of hand.

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    Care Navigator to support members’ healthcare needs and help them seek the right care at the right time.

Estamos bien posicionados para transformar los seguros médicos

  • A- (Excelente) Confirmación de la calificación de solidez financiera por parte de la agencia mundial de calificación crediticia AM Best

  • Curative Inc. inyectó $100 millones en capital para fortalecer su subsidiaria Curative Insurance Company

  • Construir capacidades técnicas para dar soporte a un modelo de negocio sostenible e innovador

Florida Network Details

Select your city below to view network details for Miami, Tampa, and Orlando.


6,818 total providers

1,406 primary care providers

4,135 specialty providers

14 acute hospital facilities

Major hospital networks include:

Tenet Health System, Memorial Healthcare System, Jackson Health System, HCA Florida Healthcare - HCA East Florida Division, Baptist Health, South Florida, Broward Health


5,371 total providers

747 primary care providers

3,476 specialty providers

10 acute hospital Facilities

Major hospital networks include:

HCA Florida Healthcare - HCA West Florida Division, BayCare Health System, Lee Health, Tampa General Hospital, Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, AdventHealth


4,192 total providers

810 primary care providers

2,623 specialty providers

17 acute hospital facilities

Major hospital networks include:

HCA Florida Healthcare - HCA North Florida Division, Nemours Children's Hospital, AdventHealth, Orlando Health

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Offering Curative to your employees is easy. We’re here to help.

Here’s what Florida employers need to know

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We want to be your partner in building a healthier workforce.

Get in touch with us to learn more about Curative's transparent, next generation health plan.