Preparados, listos, bebé. Te ofrecemos el apoyo personalizado que necesitas en cada etapa de tu embarazo.
Para inscribirte o para obtener más información, comunícate con Servicios para afiliados al 855‑428‑7284.
This is the earliest phase of pregnancy and can be a different experience for every mom to-be
You may notice various symptoms like nausea or fatigue
During this period, It's important to schedule a prenatal visit as soon as you know you're pregnant
Start conversations with those who will have close contact with the newborn about getting RSV and influenza vaccinations
Welcome to your second trimester, where most of your early pregnancy symptoms typically fade
Around 24 weeks, it is important to have an anatomy scan to check on the health of you and your baby
It's the final trimester! At this point, you should attend more frequent appoints with your physician leading up to delivery
Early into this trimester, you should discuss with your provider taking a glucose test to check for gestational diabetes
Keep in mind, Curative provides $0 coverage for preferred meds and in-network screenings as recommended by your provider
Throughout the trimester, make sure to note any changes in movement
- Sesiones individuales de planificación del parto
- Apoyo especializado para embarazos de alto riesgo
- Acceso sin cargo a ginecólogos y especialistas, parteras, laboratorios y diagnóstico por imagen.
- Orientación sobre una dieta equilibrada para garantizar que tú y tu bebé reciben la nutrición adecuada
Find in-network facilities for $0 (that’s right…no unexpected costs for your delivery)
- Asesoramiento sobre el sueño y apoyo a la lactancia durante el primer año de vida del bebé
- Asesoramiento y recursos para la salud mental
- Extractor de leche sin cargo
If you need additional help connecting to resources, connect with a Care Navigator or Member Services at 855-428-7284 or