At Curative, we understand that managing your mental well-being is a journey that requires access to reliable, supportive, and convenient resources. Our commitment is to connect you seamlessly with the mental health services you need.
Póngase en contacto con terapeutas, psiquiatras y psicólogos experimentados sin preocuparse por los gastos adicionales. Comience por encontrar proveedores dentro de la red en la Búsqueda de proveedores.
Obtenga medicamentos preferidos sin costo prescritos por el proveedor para su tratamiento y administración. Colabore con su proveedor para buscar medicamentos preferidos.
Elija entre diversas opciones de terapia virtual que ofrecen sesiones sin costo que se adaptan a su horario.
Have a preferred mental health provider that doesn’t take health insurance? Or don’t see them in the Provider Search? Nominate them to become a Curative Zero Card provider.
Online friendly and caring licensed therapists ready to help you with a broad range of mental health needs.
Virtual therapy, counseling, and psychiatry sessions. 100% online. Same-week appointments via computer and smartphone. For Texas and Florida members.
Tailored online care by mental health professionals that suits individual needs.
Expert OCD treatment through live video therapy and ongoing support.
Get online and in-person mental health support. Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program in Texas, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, and New Jersey; plus inpatient care in Fort Lauderdale.
Identify Your Needs: Determine the kind of support or therapy you require.
Choose a Provider: Use our search tools to find in-network mental health specialists or use one of our covered virtual platforms.
Utilize the Zero Card: Don’t see your preferred provider or does your provider not take insurance? Nominate for the Curative Zero Card.
Schedule Your Visit: Whether it's an in-person session or virtual therapy, arrange your appointments to fit your schedule.
If you need additional help connecting to resources, connect with a Care Navigator or Member Services at 855-428-7284 or