Nuestros valores

  • Pensar en grande: Imaginamos el ideal y no dejamos que los límites o el miedo al fracaso se interpongan en el camino. Nunca ajustamos nuestras ambiciones al statu quo. 

  • Perseverar: Vemos las limitaciones como una oportunidad para la creatividad, para encontrar nuevas oportunidades de soluciones mejores.

  • Inclinarse por la acción: Obtenemos aprendizajes más profundos y mejoras cuando actuamos. Al enfrentarnos a lo imposible, nos preguntamos por dónde empezar y avanzamos rápidamente hacia una solución.

  • Basado en datos: Monitoreamos continuamente nuestras acciones para garantizar que podamos lograr los resultados esperados. Los mejores resultados provienen de la experimentación constante.

  • Esforzarse por lo sencillo: Creemos que los productos simples pueden generar resultados poderosos. Diseñamos experiencias centradas en el ser humano y libres de estrés que se enfocan en hacer lo correcto dando a los empleadores y los afiliados la capacidad de relacionarse fácilmente con nosotros.

El mejor seguro de salud debe ser:

  • Asequible, por lo que los afiliados no tienen motivos para evitar la atención médica

  • Comprometerse desde el primer día facilitando relaciones de confianza con los proveedores y los asesores de atención médica

  • Simple, con una experiencia moderna para minimizar el estrés en la gestión de los cuidados


See what our members have to say

Hear what our members have to say about their experience with our Care Navigators, pharmacy, provider network, and more. Are you a Curative Member looking to provide your feedback? Share your story below.

Comparte tu historia
"My favorite part is that they deliver my prescriptions straight to my doorstep."
"Curative has been super helpful, especially during flu season! They are very communicative, with calls or texts, knowledgeable, reliable, and kind! My favorite part is that they deliver my prescriptions straight to my doorstep."
Morgan Price
Primrose School of Lakeway
"They did all of my bloodwork, and the results, while I was in the office without needing to go to a different lab to have them done."
"The transferring of my medications and delivery of them has been easy. At my Baseline Visit, they did all of my bloodwork, and the results, while I was in the office without needing to go to a different lab to have them done."
Chris Morton
University of Texas Golf Club
"I love that it is so affordable and their member portal makes it easy for me to find providers that take my insurance."
“Curative ha sido una bendición hasta ahora para mí. Me ha facilitado mucho el acceso a la atención médica. Me encanta que sea tan asequible y su portal para afiliados me simplifica encontrar proveedores que tomen mi seguro”.
Anaya Avinger Anaya Avinger
Primrose School of Westlake Hills
"We are extremely pleased with the service and the staff that has helped us. I do believe this is the best health plan we have ever had."
"Our care coordinator has reached out to us along the way to check our needs and ensure we are happy and healthy. We are truly amazed by the unique office staff and how caring they are to our needs and answering all of our questions. We are extremely pleased with the service and the staff that has helped us. I do believe this is the best health plan we have ever had."
Christina Pruett
Stallion Manufacturing
"If you have been contemplating joining Curative because it's 'too good to be true' I can promise you it's not."
"Curative is honestly a game changer and a lifesaver for me! I'm able to visit the doctor without any worries of copays* or hidden fees and more importantly, have my weekly therapy visits at no cost because mental health is important too. If you have been contemplating joining Curative because it's "too good to be true" I can promise you it's not. Join now!"
Selena Garza
Primrose School of Austin at Mueller
"This is by far the best copays and coverage I’ve ever received."
"I have worked at multiple companies in several different industries and this is by far the best copays and coverage I’ve ever received."
Billy Wardlow
KM Builders
"My health insurance provider truly CARED about me."
"It all started with the Baseline Visit. It was thorough, informative, not rushed at all, and truly made me feel like for the first time (ever), my health insurance provider truly CARED about me."
Dana Tyler
Delta Millworks
"With Curative, I just realized how accessible health insurance can be."
"I would always hold off going to the doctor because of copays. Even though the copay helped, I still didn't really have the money for the copay visits, copay prescriptions, and so on. With Curative, I just realized how accessible health insurance can be."
Madelyn Welder
ANCO Insurance

Our leadership

We are dedicated to building a healthier tomorrow, together. Everyone should be able to get the care they need, when they need it. Our Leadership Team is focused on building high-touch preventive healthcare by offering a health plan with transparent pricing so you can focus on your care, not your costs.

Curative's financial strength affirmed with A- (Excellent) rating from AM Best

We're thrilled to share that we have secured an A- (Excellent) Financial Strength Rating (FSR) and Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating (Long-Term ICR) of “a-” (Excellent) from AM Best for the third consecutive year.

Priorizamos un lugar de trabajo comprometido e impulsado por nuestra misión

Todo el mundo en Curative aspira a un objetivo mayor, un desafío único y la vocación de hacer que la atención médica sea mejor de lo que es hoy.

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Únete a nosotros

Estamos creando un sistema de salud que da prioridad a la persona en su totalidad.

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