No copays. No deductibles. No…really.

The answer is not more cost-sharing. It’s cost-eliminating. For just one competitive premium and the completion of a Baseline Visit, employees won’t pay another copay or deductible for their lifetime on the plan.

See what our clients have to say

Our agency went out on a limb to try Curative for one of our large groups…I have never seen an Employer and its Employees absolutely LOVE a Health Plan.”

– Leading benefits broker in Texas

Curative makes getting care a breeze, not a burden

From finding the right doctor and scheduling appointments to making sure everything’s processed correctly, we handle the hard stuff so your clients get the most out of their benefits. 

  • 行业领先的计划参与度

    我们很自豪地说,我们能让公司 98% 的员工参与进来。我们的秘密?真正便捷的入会、高接触度的会员推广以及 0 美元的自付额和免赔额。

  • 行之有效的健康策略

    员工完成基线访视后,他们不仅可以获得 0 美元的自付费用,还能在随时随地的支持下获得更健康的路线图。这也许可以解释为什么我们的处方依从性比大多数保险公司高出 15-20%。

  • 成功的财政实力和稳定性

    我们获得了 AM Best 的 A-(优秀)财务实力评级。

The Curative method works

Our research shows that prioritizing health literacy and preventive care saves employers more in the long run. When employees actually understand their benefits, they’re more engaged and satisfied.

Did you know?

We cover care across the nation

By partnering with First Health®, we have a broad national network for Texas- and Florida-based employers. Try our search tool to find providers and facilities near you.

Make a positive impact

Visionary companies need world-changing benefits

Companies that want visionary talent need the benefits to match. It’s time for health insurance designed for this decade that actually pays for healthcare.