Save costs by offering employees affordable care at the right time. Problems are treated before they become too costly for them and you.
Inspire a more loyal and productive workforce by encouraging employee health engagement from day one.
Increase employee satisfaction by making benefits clear for both you and your employees.
1 monthly premium: No copays. No deductibles. No...really.
Baseline Visit: Your personal, preventive wellness experience.
Direct, 24/7, 365 Employee Engagement: Your employees have easy, constant access to physicians and member support so you don’t have to act as the middleman.
"Our agency went out on a limb to try Curative for one of our large groups. I must say we were a bit apprehensive in the beginning, but I have never seen an employer and its employees absolutely love a health plan. With our shared strategies, employees are engaged and understand their insurance." - Leading benefits broker in Texas